- Available: mai mereu
- Age: 18
- Annoyance: prefacatoria
- Allergic: la anumite categorii de oameni
- Animal: caine (imi place, nu sunt):))
- Actor: daca am un defect, e ca nu retin nume:D, cu atat mai putin de actori
- Beer: Redd's
- Birthday/Birthplace: 23.02.1991, Pucioasa
- Best Friends: Alexandra
- Body part on opposite sex: mainile?
- Best feeling in the world: cand El te ia prin surprindere pe strada:)
- Blind or deaf: -
- Best weather: nici prea cald, nici prea frig:)
- Been in love: asa putin:D
- Been bitched out: -
- Been on stage: da
- Believe in yourself: uneori da, uneori nu
- Believe in life on others planets: sa zicem da
- Believe in miracles: da:)
- Believe in magic: da, dar cum a zis si mara nu in vrajitorii:)
- Believe in God: Da
- Believe in Satan: nu
- Believe in Santa: da;))
- Believe in evolution: -
- Car: o impart cu tati (de fapt el o imparte cu mine, ca e a lui)
- Candy: Ciocolata:X
- Color: n-am preferinte
- Cried in school: da
- Chocolate/ Vanilla: ciocolata
- Chinese/Mexican: -
- Cake or pie: amandoua
- Countries to visit: cat mai multe
- Day or night: noapte
- Dream vehicle: nu am
- Danced: da
- Danced in the rain: nu
- Danced in the middle of the street: nu
- Do the splits: -
- Eggs: -
- Eyes: caprui
- Everyone has: -
- Ever failed a class: nu
- First crush: -
- Full name: Denisa Prundaru
- First thoughts walking up: ce gropite avea:)
- Food: nu sunt mofturoasa:)
- Fruits: pepene galben
- Greatest Fear: de singuratate
- Giver or taker: giver
- Goals: -
- Gum: nu ma dau in vant
- Get along with your parents: da
- Good luck charms: -
- Hair Colour: -
- Height: micuta:)
- Happy: da:)
- Holidays: cat mai multe
- How do you want to die: nu ma gandesc la asta
- Health freak: -
- Hate: nu
- Eye colour: negrii
- Hair colour:-
- Height: potrivit
- Clothing style: nu pot fi obiectiva:D
- Characteristics: -
- Ice cream: da:X caramel:x
- Instrument: -
- Jewerly: port, dar nu ma pasioneaza
- Job: inca astept sa vad daca m-au acceptat:D
- Kids: 1 sau 2
- Kickboxing or karate: karate
- Keep a jurnal: nu
- Longest car ride: nu mai stiu
- Love: cam dificila
- Letter: mi-ar placea:)
- Laughed so hard you cried: da
- Love at first sight: da, dar nu tine:D
- Milk flavour: -
- Movie: Before sunrise, Before sunset
- Mooned anyone: -
- Marriage: peste vreo cativa ani:)
- Motion sickness: -
- Mcd's or BK: Mcd's
- Number of Siblings: 0
- Number of piercings: 0
- Number: n-am
- Nickname: -
- Overused phrases: -
- One wish: sa merg pe o insula pustie
- One phobia: sa dansez:)
- Place you'd like to live: -
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
- Quail: -
- Questionnaires: -
- Reason to cry: cand oameni nu sunt asa cum ma asteptam eu
- Reality Tv: -
- Radio Station: Kiss Fm, Europa Fm
- Rol your tongue in a circle: -
- Song: mai multe
- Shoe size: 37
- Sushi: -
- Skipped school: da
- Slept outside: nu
- Seen a dead body: da
- Smoked: nu
- Shower daily: da
- Sing well: dezastru:))
- In the shower: nu
- Swear: nu
- Stuffed animals: cutu:)
- Single/group dates: single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: amandoua
- Scientists need to invent: -
- Time for bed: dupa posibilitati:))
- Thunderstorms: -
- Touch your tongue to your nose: nu
- Unpredictable: da
- Under the influence: cateodata
- Understanding: da
- Vegetable you hate: -
- Vegetable you love: -
- Vocation spot: -
- Weakness: da...
- When you grow up: o sa vreau sa fiu mica
- which one of your friends acts more like you: -
- Who makes you laugh the most: Alexandra clar
- Worst feeling: -
- Wanted to be a model: nu
- Where do we go when we die: -
- Walk with a book on your head: nu
- X-Rays: -
- Year it is now: 2009
- Yellow: ce galben?:D
- Zoo animal: maimuta:)
- Zodiac sign: pesti
- Slept in a bed beside you? Alexandra
- See you cry? nu mai stiu
- Went to the movies with you? Tati:)
- You went to the mall with? nu mai stiu
- You went to dinner with? :-?
- You talked to on the phone? Alexandra
- Made you laugh? mami
Un comentariu:
"Time for bed: dupa posibilitati:))"-cat de "diplomata" poti fi :)))
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